Request Materials from Another Library (Fee-Based Service)

If the material you require is not available at Yamaguchi University, you can request it from another library (for a fee). Prior registration is also necessary, so please fill out a Web Application Usage Registration form at one of the campus libraries. We will give instructions about how to use the service when you have submitted your application.

  • *If your student status changes, such as graduating after studying as an undergraduate, or becoming a PhD student after studying at Masters level, please fill out and submit an application form again.

Photocopying/Book Loan (Interlibrary Loan: ILL)

The book loan service fees are for the following:
Unit cost × the number of copies + postage
*The unit cost differs depending on the institution which you are requesting it from.
*In some cases, an additional handling fee may be charged.
Book loan
And finally, a fee for the round trip to the Yamaguchi University institution that holds the book you have requested.
*In certain cases, an additional handling fee may be charged.
Literature Arrival Time

Arrival time varies depending on the institution, but it typically takes a few weeks to receive the ordered materials.

If you make a request at the public expense, copies are delivered to faculty offices.
If you make the request at your own expense, we will inform you of the photocopy fees by Yamaguchi University e-mail. Please then pay these fees at the information counter of one of the campus libraries. You will receive your copies when you make your payment.
Book Loan
We will let you know when your requested book/s arrive via Yamaguchi University e-mail. Once the book/s have arrived, please come to the information counter at one of the campus libraries to collect them.
The loan time period is generally for 2 weeks.
*However this can vary depending on the institution.
The General Library
Tel:083-933-5185 (extension 5185)
The Medical Library
Tel:0836-22-2143 (extension 2143)
The Engineering Library
Tel:0836-85-9051 (extension 9051)