Leaning Portal
Search dictionaries
- JapanKnowledge
- The largest online web archive in Japan, which includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.
- NetLibrary
- An e-book collection which includes dictionaries and fundamental series for beginners.
Search materials in Yamaguchi University
- Yamaguchi University Library Catalog(OPAC)
- You can search books and journals held in the Yamaguchi University
Search other library catalogs
- WebcatPlus
- You can search the books held by other university libraries in Japan.
- Yamaguchi Cross-Search Catalog
- Search for books in public or university libraries within Yamaguchi Prefecture.
- NDL-OPAC (National Diet Library Online Public Access Catalog)
- You can search a catalog of the National Diet Library.
- Calil
- With this site you can search a wide variety of resources such as books, journals and electronic resources all in one go.
Read E-Books
- English reading books
- You can select books for your English level.
- NetLibrary
- An e-book collection which includes dictionaries and fundamental series for beginners.
- Kagakusho-Siryokan
- An e-book collection in chemistry, provided by the Chemical Society of Japan.
- National Diet Library Digital Collections
- You can search and view a variety of resources, collected and stored by the National Diet Library of Japan.
- Aozora Bunko
- You can read books in public domain.
Search articles of newspapers
- Asahi Shimbun Cross-SearchAvailable inside the university
- A database of Asahi Shimbun articles published since 1945.
- YomidasAvailable inside the university
- A database of Yomiuri Shimbun articles published since 1986.
- Asahi Shinbun Database during the pre-war periodAvailable only on the designated PC
- You can search and view a variety of resources, collected and stored by the National Diet Library of Japan.
- Yomiuri Shinbun during Taisho periodAvailable only on the designated PC
- You can read books in public domain.
Search journal articles
- Cinii Research
- A database of information about academic articles, books, journals&Dissertations published in Japan.
- JDreamⅢAvailable inside the university
- With this you can search papers about science technology, medical science and pharmacology.
- Medical Online
- A database which provides papers about medical science and nursing science
- Japan Medical Abstracts Society WebAvailable only in the Yoshida and Kogushi Campus
- Another database containing technical papers about medical science and nursing science
- The National Diet Library Search
- You can use this site to search many catalogs and digital archives, including those of libraries, archives, museums, academic institutes and the National Diet Library.
- Use other databases
- There are other databases for searching specific articles.
- Use online journals
- You can search online journals by title.
- Policy on Acceptable Use of E-Resources
Search company information
“Remote Access” for off-campus use
Some of these e-resources can be accessed off campus.
“Support for Search” for beginnersWe introduce you how to use materials in Yamaguchi University.